Directly Related

•Mailing List

CITI Mailing List


CITI Ministries

•Corpus-NCR (Canada)

Corpus-NCR is an organization of married priests, their wives, and their friends working together for renewal in the Catholic Church, and for the implementation of changes advocated for the Church by the Second Vatican Council.


Advent began in 1969 as a support group for priests and religious, both men and women, in the Catholic Church who had left the official ministry,or religious life. Members meet to share experiences and to offer mutual support. Some have married, others have remained single. The group also offers support for partners and families, and constitutes a campaigning group to bring about changes in the priestly ministry of the Church.

•Corpus USA

•Roman Catholic Womenpriests


The organization in Australia for priests no longer in official ministry,  their wives, partners, families, and friends.


An Association for women's ordination and renewal of Catholic priesthood.

•The Catholic Encyclopaedia

This is the 1913 edition. No other edition of this work is available online at present.


•Theology Library

A Catholicís collection of 118 pages with over 5,100 links in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council.  Links to Church, Revelation, Liturgy, Justice, Theology, Morality, Spirituality, Evangelization, Religion.

•The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace

This is an excellent international development site, offering news, information, background and connections with other groups. The links section provides access to the websites of international relief agencies, church groups, and  social justice and development resources. It has versions in English, French, and Spanish. It will be useful to Corpus members and groups involved in aid for developing countries.

•Catholic Online

This American-based site serves as a centre for greater understanding of the Catholic Church. Its news section contains excerpts from major media articles about the Church. It also has links to Catholic Online's news archives, the Vatican News Service, and Vatican Update for official news. It will provide Corpus members with general and up-to-date information on the institutional Church.

•Woodstock Theological Center

The Woodstock Theological Center is an independent nonprofit  institute at Georgetown University that engages in theological and ethical reflection on topics of social, economic, business, scientific, cultural, religious and political importance.

•International Movement We Are Church

•Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church

The Association, founded in 1980 by lay and clerical Catholics, affirms that there are fundamental rights and corresponding responsibilities which are rooted in the humanity and baptism of all Catholics, hence the goals of ARCC are to institutionalize a collegial and egalitarian understanding of Church in which decision-making is shared and accountability is realized among Catholics of every kind.


Partenia - Diocese without borders. The site set up by Bishop Jacques Gailllot, Bishop of Partenia in the Desert. It contains an electrtonic catechism and a letter forum.

•World Council of Churches

The WCC is a fellowship of churches, now 337 in more than 120 countries in all continents from virtually all christian traditions.


An international News Agency based in Rome.  Its mission is to provide objective and professional coverge of events, documents and issues emanating from or concerning the Cathlolic Church for a worldwide audience, especially the media.

•The Holy See (Vatican)

The Vatican Web site with connections to statements by the Pope, access to Vatican offices, Vatican Library, etc.

•The Monastery of Christ in the Desert

•Christianism and Justice Theology

•The Tablet

•The National Catholic Reporter

•The Prairie Messenger

•The Western Catholic Reporter

•The Catholic Register

General Interest