Who Are We?
We are a faith community of men and women empowered by our baptism in Jesus' Spirit to reach out to others in their need as Jesus did. We also provide support for married Roman Catholic priests, their family and friends.
Where Are We Going?
This faith community is dedicated to
•Renewal of ministries in the Church, including an ordained ministry
open to men and women, married and unmarried;
• A vision of Church that includes all people who profess faith in Jesus Christ;
• Development of leadership among all the baptised in the Church;
• Promotion of a wholesome view of sexuality;
• Justice for all based on Gospel values.
Our message is a healing one and is directed to everyone, especially the marginalized in the Church. It is our hope to reach people through many ministries, and in a special way through the creation of small faith communities.
How Do We Get There?
Through a collegial approach based on consensus reached through communal discernment in the Spirit, we share our gifts that all creation might be transformed according to God's loving plan.